Monday, October 16, 2006


We have a little girl named Toni
She is such sweet company
Well – that is almost all the time
‘cept when she decides to be grumpy.

Her hair is usually well brushed and neat
She implores us to keep it long
She’ll stay for hours looking at flowers
“My Favourite Things” is her favourite song.

Like a clock, truth is written on her face
Her Dad says she’ll make a good lawyer
She’d remind you of things inconsistent
You’d know what I mean if you meet her.

Books – she ravenously reads them
At great speed goes through one by one
Her favourite authors Enid Blyton
But most books she finds really fun.

My girl is a chirpy little thing
Seeing some good in all weather
She loves different kinds of sweets
But doesn’t like fruit that is sour.

Toni has a number of nicknames
“My Shadow”, “Sunshine”, “This n’ That”
I sometimes call her “My Sidekick”
‘Cause, on many an errand by my side she sat.

She is the most understanding child I’ve ever known
She has the most patient of virtues
Although she has got to that stage and age
That she constantly tries on my shoes.

Comes dark when her little feet grow weary
And her eyes get droopy at night
We pray she’d have peace and God’s rest
As she sleeps till morning’s light.

Robyn Toh
15 Oct 2006


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