Friday, October 20, 2006


Our lives are full of seasons
The good Lord made it so
Although some seasons seem to hurt us
We need them all to grow

What we fear most are the dark times
When the sun has left the sky
We become like a sage in days of yore
Who wondered much and sorrowed more

The shadows press in all around us
Like a kite tossed by the wind on high
Tumbling, darting here and there
A dark cloud that sails across the sky

I'm well acquainted with these dark times
They come by every once in a while
Now I don't fear but hide in a huddle
And smile myself a little smile

For there is much magic in the night
Under the bright silver moon
For the stars He lets out one by one
And we can't see the stars if its noon

In time spring peeks through the crack
I was just at the edge of the dark
The fog gets blown away from the sea
And the colds good for an orchard so young in the bark

Again it goes back to character
And so the seasons intervene
There is something bright in all weather
So He brings us these mingling scenes.

Robyn Toh
14th October 2006

Pic : At the Gold Coast before a storm while on our honeymoon, 1996.


Blogger Blue Skies said...

My friend is a poet indeed !

10:37 AM  

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