Runt of the litter?
Scum of the earth?
Gee, I'm right as rain
So please don't be a pain
Different strokes for different folks
So keep your cerebral opinion
Dogs bark but the moon still shines
Like water off a ducks back
I don't give a rip, so keep your tip
I don't worry, I just hit the sack
Robyn Toh
18th May 2007
Pic : Wilbur of Charlotte's Web
Scum of the earth?
Gee, I'm right as rain
So please don't be a pain
Different strokes for different folks
So keep your cerebral opinion
Dogs bark but the moon still shines
Like water off a ducks back
I don't give a rip, so keep your tip
I don't worry, I just hit the sack
Robyn Toh
18th May 2007
Pic : Wilbur of Charlotte's Web
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