It has been for a few years now that a revolutionary (revolutionary to me) body of thought has been slowly growing in my mind, stemming from when I first read two great books - The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. I am convinced that we are all loaded with talent, ability and capability. We are seeds that contain the capacity of the life expanse. As Paula White, an American minister sums it up, "the life God put in you is bigger than the life you're living".
These epiphanies have been coagulating, adjusting and recoagulating adding a richness to my worldview. New epiphanies occur, and as I internalize them, they add even more flavour to this broadening worldview.
For me, the problem is getting it all out! Internalizing it all thoroughly that it spills over enough to nullify areas of weakness and bring visible and progressive results. I must be careful though to find a good grounding in all this as it runs deeper than just the "rah rah I can do it" mentality that finds attractiveness in the minds of youth. Nevertheless :
If you want a thing bad enough
To want to go out and fight for it
Work day and night for it
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it
And all you dream and scheme is about it
If life seems empty and useless without it
If gladly you'd sweat for it, fret for it, plan for it
Lose all terror of man for it
If you simply go after the thing you want
With all your capacity, strength and sagacity
Faith, hope, confidence and stern tenacity
If neither cold, poverty, famish and god
Nor sickness, nor pain of body and brain
Can keep you away from the thing you want
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it
You'll get it!!
By Berton Bradley
Pic : My family who all jolly wish I would get some of that "hidden talent" out there and functioning!
These epiphanies have been coagulating, adjusting and recoagulating adding a richness to my worldview. New epiphanies occur, and as I internalize them, they add even more flavour to this broadening worldview.
For me, the problem is getting it all out! Internalizing it all thoroughly that it spills over enough to nullify areas of weakness and bring visible and progressive results. I must be careful though to find a good grounding in all this as it runs deeper than just the "rah rah I can do it" mentality that finds attractiveness in the minds of youth. Nevertheless :
To want to go out and fight for it
Work day and night for it
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it
And all you dream and scheme is about it
If life seems empty and useless without it
If gladly you'd sweat for it, fret for it, plan for it
Lose all terror of man for it
If you simply go after the thing you want
With all your capacity, strength and sagacity
Faith, hope, confidence and stern tenacity
If neither cold, poverty, famish and god
Nor sickness, nor pain of body and brain
Can keep you away from the thing you want
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it
You'll get it!!
By Berton Bradley
Pic : My family who all jolly wish I would get some of that "hidden talent" out there and functioning!
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