Monday, August 06, 2007


Isabel is my niece who lives in Melbourne. She is named Isabel after my Mum whose middle name is Isabel. Thought these photos of this jolly little girl were all very nice and sought to do them justice in my little blog. The pics were all taken by my brother Greg.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Ryan just turned two not that long ago.
Here are some other words he has developed.

mell - smell
catch back - scratch back
eh phant - elephant
yobot - robot
tans po mer - transformer
fiderman - spiderman
jim water - drink water
vishan - this one
bus ober dare - bus over there
cam i ya - camera
danjes - dangerous
pire enjin - fire engine
candew - candle
booni - Bruni (one of our dogs)
pissss - please
dan ku - thank you
yay yen - ryan

Photo taken by Greg; Dec 2006