Friday, December 16, 2011


Sisyphus, plunged again into the flood of an unsavoury tongue
And since this is go-to-hell day, let some things take a flying lunge
Greet with a litany of complaints that demand
Decide at once to dissect and reprimand

Bearing The Standard, a metastasized bill of particulars
An industry of insults, a troika of judges
Manages to draw a strange kind of pleasure
Chaotically, menacingly, ruffling ones own feathers

Thoughts racing in bad directions, all at the same time
Superimposing, a caustic volcano being primed
Do you want some mustard with all that baloney?
A walking civil war, hypocrite and all phoney?

Of course I hear you. I should imagine even the dead can hear you.
How you go on to the end of time, I just have no clue.
Mysterious beyond all ken, where do you keep all that junk?
All nearby ships, one by one all get sunk

Like any self-respecting addictive substance
Its the alpha and omega of ones existence
No moderative attempts to legislate
Bow to hallucinations. Dishonour and berate.

The roiling sea works itself into a dither
A mismatch of perceptions, there is no terra firma
Get caught by ones own caveat, ones own witches brew
Pick and choose, but it costs you all your virtue.

Heading towards the final bend in the road
No future spin need be placed on the load
The season of summing up is steadily descending
You make the rules, and you are judged by them

Robyn Toh
Hard Rock Hotel, Penang
14th Dec 2011

"No rocks or hurling from me. I'd pick up some very small and smooth pebbles, and flick. Gently". - Wahti Mahidin in Tell.

Note : In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was cursed by the gods to forever roll a rock up a hill. It was futile and pointless labour. Once the boulder reached the peak, it would roll down again from where Sisyphus would have to start all over again.


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