Monday, May 21, 2007


Is my face like a sour apple
Do I bitterly complain
Of old, unhappy far off things
Of cherished hopes proved vain

Do I have a string of broken songs
That stem my restless pursuits
The glamour of that fatal fame
Drugging my mind at its roots

Am I a caffeineted one man show
Given to verbal acrobatics
Am I a very talented fool
Mind brilliant but morally stupid

Am I parched and cracked like overbaked bread
Am I known to be stiff and proud
Do I play to the modern no-holds-barred
And find life in the centre of a crowd

Our humanity is in dire-dire straits
"With all your might" in the end does not work
We are in clear and very present danger
Behind our self-brilliance it lurks

Our troubles have a redeeming feature
To show us an exquisite sublime plan
The truth that we really need a Saviour
And through GRACE then only we can

For our qualification is our disqualification
To receive this sweet interlude
When we REALLY REALLY get this
It happens - a vital shift in our attitude

In grace we are not unhappy for our lack
A stillness thats strangely compelling
Grace has its special blend of gladness
When in it we are fully dwelling

It was grace that broke open history
When He died that we all might live
In God's profound tapestry of events
Not cheap, but real grace did He give

So . . . . . .

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but NOW I SEE . . . .

Robyn Toh
21st May 2007

Photograph : Taken by Greg Lim, Dec 2006

Friday, May 18, 2007


Runt of the litter?
Scum of the earth?


Gee, I'm right as rain
So please don't be a pain
Different strokes for different folks
So keep your cerebral opinion

Dogs bark but the moon still shines
Like water off a ducks back
I don't give a rip, so keep your tip
I don't worry, I just hit the sack

Robyn Toh
18th May 2007

Pic : Wilbur of Charlotte's Web


Anniversary Reflections

I remember the day Jamie died.
Except . . .
I didn't know that Jamie DIED
Because I didn't know
What it was like to look or be dead
I remember you told me Jamie died, and
I remember his tubing wasn't on his trach, and
I remember that you wouldn't let me
Get in bed with Jamie that morning.
But I thought it was because Jamie was asleep,
Except . . .
He was really dead.
I remember that, but I didn't know that.
I remember all the people coming over
And going into Jamie's room, but
His music was playing, and
His nurses were there, and
He looked just the same in his bed,
So I never really knew he was dead.
I remember the day we went to church
And then to the cemetery to bury Jamie's body.
Except . . .
I didn't know that I wouldn't see him again.
I remember you put him in that little white box,
And you showed me how comfortable his body looked.
And I put a picture of us in his hand
With his cross and his Mr. Bear and his Blue-Bunny-Rabbit,
And I knew that we should Never put Jamie in a box on the floor
But it must be okay because
The nurses were helping you.
I remember the little white box in church and
I remember thinking it was time for Jamie
To knock on the box and we would open it and
He would sit up and yell, "BOO!" and we would all laugh.
I remember that you said this was
A celebration for Jamie at church,
So I knew it was just a game and that he would come out.
Except . . .
He didn't.
And the box got all buried into Heaven but under the ground,
With Jamie inside of it, because
He was dead.
I remember the day Jamie died,
And I understand now that it means Forever
And that he wasn't asleep and couldn't yell "BOO".
But I don't understand why you sent me to school that day.
If you knew that dead was Forever,
Why did you send me to school?
I should have stayed home like you,
To be with Jamie before he went
Forever into his little white box,
Because I want to remember Jamie,

Mattie Stepanek
November 1995

The Left-Over Child

A long time ago, my parents
Had a little girl named Katie.
They thought that they would only
Have this one little child,
But then mommy started growing
Another little baby inside of her.
It was a little boy named Stevie.
But little Katie died, and
Then little Stevie died, and
My parents were alone
Without any children at all.
Then, they grew another baby.
It was a little boy named Jamie.
And then in 1990, they had
Another little boy named MAttie,
And Jamie and Mattie were
Brothers together for a long time.
But then Jamie died, too,
But Mattie was still alive because
He didn't die like his brothers and sister.
Now, he's not really the only child either.
Mattie is the left-over child,
All alone with the parents of dead children.

Mattie Stepanek
February 1996

About Watches

I like wearing
Lots of watches
For two reasons.
If they are all set
A little different,
No one's ever
Too late, or
Too early, or
Right on time.
They just "are"
With all these
Watches on me,
It's like having
"All the time
In the world!"
And never having
To think about
The end of time,
Or about dying.

Mattie Stepanek
August 1997

On Being Thankful

Dear God,
I was going to thank You tonight
For a beautiful sunrise,
That was pink behind the fog down the hill,
And for a wonderful rainbow,
That I ran under pointing to
All my favorite colors,
A for such a great sunset,
That sparkled orange across the water.
I was going to thank You tonight
For all of these special gifts,
Except that none of them happened.
But do You know what?
I still love You, God,
And I have lots of other things
That I can thank You for tonight,
Even if You didn't give those
Very special gifts to me today.
It's okay, God,
Because I'll look for them all again,
When my tomorrow comes.

Mattie Stepanek
November 1995

Matthew J.T. Stepanek was born in 1990 with a rare form of muscular dystrophy, a disease that weakens the muscles that hold together the bones of the body. His sister and two brothers died from the disease in early childhood. His mother has the adult form of the disease, diagnosed only after her children were born. Mattie's medical needs included a tracheostomy (tube into the trachea through his neck), ventilator, oxygen, Broviac (tube into top of the heart for medications and IV fluids), red blood and platelet transfusions (weekly), wheelchair, and more.

Mattie had 7 books published, mainly poetry, of which at least 3 were on the New York Times Bestsellers list. The 4 poems above were taken from his bestseller "Journey through Heartsongs", from his Heartsongs series. Mattie passed away on June 22 2004, when he was 13 years old. He was laid to rest next to his 3 siblings.

With his mother Jeni.

For his funeral, two fire trucks were parked at the gate of the cemetery with their ladders extended into an arch, with an American flag hanging at the top. A firefighter honour guard was present outside the church.

Mattie's eulogy was delivered by Jimmy Carter who said "We have known kings and queens, and we've known presidents and prime ministers, but the most extraordinary person whom I've ever known in my life is Mattie Stepanek"

Friday, May 11, 2007


God bless Favver,
God bless Muvver,
God bless Sisser,
God bless Bruvver;
God bless Uncoo
Out at sea,
God bless all
An' God bless me!

No, Ryan did not come up with this poem. His vocabulary is however rapidly expanding. Here are some of his words that come to mind.

yite - light

twain - train

waining - raining

tonder - thunder

scat - scared

hey-yo - hello

cardodo - crocodile

i-chim - ice-cream

cawwy - carry

bowwer - flower

pitter - picture

pish - fish

penpenpok - pencil box

kos - close

battey - battery

skoo - school

ting - thing

eon bikle - Leon's bicycle

Poem by Norman Gale

Taken from The Child's Book Of Verse